Tuesday 10 February 2015

Balakandam !! 44. Lord Brahma’s advice to King Bhageeratha & meritorious reward of Ganga Avatharanam !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Sa Gathva Sagaram Raja Gangaya Anugathas Thadha |
Pravivesha Thalam Bhoomey: Yathra  They Bhasmasath Krutha: ||
Bhasmani Atha Apluthey Rama Ganga Yi A: Salilena Vai |
Sarva Loka Prabhu: Brahma Rajanam Idham Abraveeth ||
Tharitha Nara Shardhoola Divam Yatha: Cha Devavath |
Shashti: Puthra Sahasrani Sagarasya Mahathmana ||
Sage Vishwamithra narrated “King Bhageeratha followed River Ganga who entered in to the unfathomable part of the Earth where sixty thousands sons of Emperor Sagara was placed as mound of ashes and soaked them with her water.  Lord Brahma spoke to King Bhageeratha “ Oh! Narashardhoola, sixty thousand sons of Emperor Sagara have crossed the ocean of immortality and attained the heavenly abode.  As long as the waters of the ocean remain in the world, the virtuous sons of Sagara will remain as deities in the heavenly abode.  This glorious river Ganga will remain as your eldest daughter and hereafter she will reverentially remembered with your enormous effort to descend her on Earth, she will be renowned as Bhageerathi who sanctifies the three worlds such as heaven, earth and netherworld.  Oh! King, Lord of the people you can conduct the oblation to the departed souls with the holy water.   Emperor Sagara who was righteous and prominent ruler on Earth, even he could not descend down Ganga on Earth during his regime and the resplendent King Amshuman who was an outstanding ruler, even he could not fulfill the desires of his ancestors.  Oh! Rajarishey, the virtuous King Dilipa who was a true ascetic, prominent ruler and father of yours could not bring river Ganga on Earth, although he was yearning to bring down river Ganga all through his life.  You have accomplished highest of the mission which is highly celebrated task of brining down river Ganga on Earth, in this way you have created genuine source of righteousness on the Earth and attained heavenly abode of Lord Brahma as well.  Oh! Naroththama, you can have regular holy dip in the glorious river Ganga and wash off your sins, in that way accumulate your meritorious reward.  Oh! Rajarishey, you can perform the ceremonial rite of your ancestors with the holy water of river Ganga and you may proceed to your earthly abode.” Thus, Lord Brahma returned to his heavenly abode.  Oh! Raghunandan, the saintly King Bhageeratha performed the ceremonial rite of his forefathers elaborately as prescribed in the scriptures with the holy water of river Ganga and he too purified by the holy deed, eventually returned to his Kingdom.  King Bhageeratha ruled his city wisely for the welfare of his subjects, the people in his Kingdom were extremely happy.  Oh! Raghava, King Bhageeratha was relieved from the extreme grief and remained happy after brining river Ganga on Earth.  Oh! Rama I have elaborately described you about descends of river Ganga on Earth, which brings all the auspicious and prosperity.  As it is the hours of dusk, let us meditate on Goddess Sri Gayathri, listen to the meritorious reward of ‘Ganga Avatharanam’ as well.  This glorious myth would bring prosperity/Dhanyam, fame/Yashass, long life/Ayushyam, virtuous progeny/Puthryam and heavenly abode/Swargam.  Whoever narrates the legend of Ganga Avatharanam would satisfy his/her Pithrus and deities, no matter whether he/she belongs to Brahmin or Kshathriya or any other class.  Oh! Rama whoever listens to the auspicious legend of descend of river Ganga would attain longevity, all his/her desires will be fulfilled, all his/her sins will be removed and blessed with perpetual fame.”
Jai Sriman Narayana !!