Saturday 7 February 2015

Balakandam !! 41. Emperor Sagara instructs Amshuman to conduct search for the ritual horse !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Puthran Chira Gathan Jyathva Sagaro Raghunandana |
Naptharam Abraveeth Raja Deepyamanam Sva Thejasa ||
Shoora:  Cha Krutha Vidhya:  Cha Poorva: Thulyo Asi Thejasa |
Pithrunam Gathim Anviccha Yena  Cha Ashvo Apaharitha: ||
Abhivadhya Abhivadhyan Thvam Hathva Vidhan Karan Api |
Sidhdha Artha: Sannivarthasva Mama Yajjyasya Paraga: ||
Sage Valmiki continued “ Oh! Raghunandana, all those sixty thousand sons of Emperor Sagara went on search of ritual horse were did not return back for long time, therefore Emperor Sagara instructed his grandson Amshuman who has dazzling appearance, valorous and successfully completed studies of war techniques and equivalently courageous to his paternal uncle to conduct the further search for ritual horse and the offender.  Emperor Sagara advised his grandson about the braveness of the living beings on the netherworld and directed him to prepare well equipped with armaments to retaliate them, further ordered him to offer reverence and salutation to the honorable and annihilate the evil ones, conduct his search safely and cheered his spirit saying that he would bring back the ritual horse and will remain the cause for the successful completion auspicious ritual.  Amshuman enthusiastically proceeded to conduct the search for the ritual horse; he walked through the pathways on the Earth which already hollowed out by his paternal uncles.  The glorious Amshuman met the directional elephant/Dhishagajam that was worshipped by Deva, Dhanavas, Rakshasa, Pischa, Pathaga, Uraga, etc…he reverentially circumambulated the elephant and enquired its well-being, also  about his paternal uncles, ritual horse and the wrong-doer as well.  The directional elephant delightfully answered “Oh! Amshuman, son of Asamanja you will successfully complete the mission and return with the ritual horse.”  Amshuman resumed his journey and he met all those directional elephants which were positioned for safeguarding the various directions of the Earth, he venerated them and enquired about his paternal uncles, ritual horse and the culprit.  All of the directional elephants were encouraged Amshuman with the promising words that he will safely return with the ritual horse.  Amshuman was extremely pleased at the blessings of the directional elephants and moved to the place where his paternal uncles/sons of Emperor Sagara were mounded into heap of ashes.  Amshuman was traumatized at the sight and wept bitterly in extreme distress at their awful end, eventually he got hold of the ritual horse which was grazing in close proximity.  The virtuous Amshuman desired to offer oblation for the departed souls and went on search for water, soon he has to return with empty handed.  Shortly, his sharp eyes caught hold of the celestial vehicle of Lord Vishnu, maternal uncle of Asamanja, Garuda the King of Birds who has the power of Lord Vayu.  Garuda, the glorious son of Vinatha spoke to Amshuman that the destruction of his paternal uncles will do noble deed to the entire Universe, therefore not to get distraught about the incident, his paternal uncles were turned into ashes at the curse of the illustrious sage Kapila and it’s inappropriate to offer oblations with mundane water.  Further, Garuda advised Amshuman that the oblations to the departed souls should be performed with the glorious water of River Ganga, the eldest daughter of Mount Himavan who is the purifier of the Universe will drench the water contained the ashes on the Earth; ultimately the sixty thousand sons of Emperor Sagara will attain the heavenly abode and informed him to proceed with the ritual horse for the performance and completion of Vedic-rituals and Yaga by Emperor Sagara.  The virtuous Amshuman immediately returned with the ritual horse and duly informed the incident to Emperor Sagara who was undertaken the vow of ritual and the advice of Garuda as well.  Emperor Sagara was brokenhearted, shortly regained his usual self and performed the Vedic rituals according to the prescribed rules.  After successful completion of the Yaga, Emperor Sagara arrived at the Capital city, but he could not take a fruitful decision about bringing river Ganga on Earth for a long time of thirty thousand years, the period he was ruled the city and ultimately attained heavenly abode.”
Jai Sriman Narayana !!