Friday 6 March 2015

Balakandam !! 59. Sage Vishwamithra undertakes the Vedic ritual!!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Uktha Vakyam Thu Rajanam Krupaya Kushika Athmaja: |
Abraveeth Madhuram Vakyam Sakshath Chandalatham Gatham ||
Ikshvako Swagatham Vathsa Janamithvam Sudharmikam |
Sharanam They Bhavishyami Ma Maishi: Nrupa Pungava ||
Aham Amathraye Sarvan Maharshin Punya Karmana: |
Yajjya Sahya Karan Rajan Thatho Yakshyasi Nivrutha: ||
Guru Shapa Krutham Roopam Yatha Idham Thvayi Varththathey |
Anena Saha Roopena Sa Shareero Gamishyasi ||
Hastha Praptham Aham Manye Swargam  Thava Nareshwara |
Ya:  Thvam Koushikam  Agamya Sharanyam Sharanagatham ||
Sage Shathananda continued “ Sage Vishwamithra, son of Ksuhi, compassionately spoke to King Thrishanku who was assumed the form of a Profaner at the curse of sons of Sage Vashishta “ Oh! King Thrishanku of Ikshvaku clan, you are welcome, you are a righteous King and you need not be disappointed about your aspiration to attain heavenly abode.  Oh! Rajan, I will invite the Maharishis/ great Rishis to participate in the auspicious Vedic ritual and offer their assistance.  You can ascend to the heavenly abode with the form of yours or the disfigured form of yours by the sons of your preceptor as well.  Oh! Nareshwara, you have sought shelter in Koushika, therefore the heaven is at the reach of your hand.”  Further, resplendent Sage Viswhamithra ordered his righteous sons who are prominent in asceticism to commence the preparation for the Vedic ritual.  Sage Vishwamithra called out for his disciples and informed them to cordially invite prominent Rishis who are proficient in all four Vedas, all his disciples, close associates, Rithviks and performers of Vedic rituals, and whoever comments inconsiderately about the Vedic ritual yet to be conducted should be reported to him in due course of time.   Sage Vishwamithra’s ordered were carried out efficiently, all the Vedic scholars from various provinces started to arrive, eventually it was found that the sons of Sage Vashishta/Mahodaya were not present and the insensitive comments of hundred sons of Sage Vashishta out of anger were reported to Sage Vishamithra “ A Kshathriya/profaner cannot be a performer of a Vedic ritual.  How could the deities accept the oblations to the ritual by a profaner? Even the virtuous Brahmins were in a state of embarrassment by Sage Vishwamithra.  How it would be possible for them to attain heavenly abode after receiving the Chandalabojanam/receiving meals offered by a Profaner?”.  Sage Vishwamithra was mounted with anger after listening to the harsh comments of sons of Sage Vashishta, he vindictively spoke “Whoever disapproves me and speaks ill about my supreme asceticism will be burned into ashes and it is definite.  They will be dragged by Kalapasha to the abode of Lord Yama, and they will take seven hundred births and remain devourers of corpses.  Those who were criticized me will attain the dreadful form of Mushtikas, disfigured and wander in the mortal worlds feeding on dogs flesh.  The unwise Mahodaya, who commented ill about me, will attain birth in tribal clan and remain unapproachable from entire world, will live the life of a barbarian for long time.” In this way, the resplendent, great ascetic Sage Vishwamithra retorted among the sages who were already assembled for the Vedic ritual.”
Jai Sriman Narayana !!